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Consume these 18 foods to boost your immune system

eat these 18 Foods to boost your immune system

The coronavirus pandemic has people thinking about their health and immune system. Many people went on a diet to boost their immunity and health in general. That is great because eating healthy is one way to beat any illnesses. A great immune system is the best defence against many diseases. These 18 foods will help your immune system and can be blended into juices to aid absorption and improve the taste. (Check out the Juice Camp & Detox Retreats here at TEAM Bootcamp for more details.)

They are arranged alphabetically and not in any order of their effectiveness.

  1. Almonds

Almonds are rich in healthy fats, protein, magnesium, fibre and vitamin E. They are loaded with antioxidants, which protect body cells from damage; this helps the body fight diseases. Vitamin E lowers the rate of heart diseases and has other significant health benefits. Magnesium intake also helps with type 2 diabetes. Almonds are great with weight loss; consuming them will keep you in shape.

  1. Black Cumin

Black cumin can prevent cancer cells from multiplying. That is one of its main health benefits, but it also contains antioxidants that keep you healthy and prevent the skin from ageing faster. They are rich in iron, and they are also a great way to control the body’s blood sugar. Keeping blood sugar under control is critical for the immune system. Black cumin helps in fat reduction in the body as well.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the superfoods. It contains many vitamins, folic acid, protein, fibre, calcium, iron and potassium. Eating steamed broccoli will lower cholesterol in the body, which also reduces the chances of heart diseases. Regularly eating it will also help build strong bones, and because of the vitamin K., the vegetable also helps with eye health and blood clotting.

  1. Citrus Fruits

Fruits are generally suitable for your health, but citrus fruits boost the immune system. They include oranges, lemons, grapefruit and lime. They are nutritious and contain a lot of fibre and vitamins. They have low calories; including them in your diet will help you maintain healthy body weight. The fruits lower the risk of having kidney stones because they raise the citrate in your urine.

  1. Garlic

Modern medicine confirms the tremendous health benefits of incorporating garlic into your diet. It’s best for preventing flu and cold. Many people have used garlic to manage the covid 19 symptoms. Garlic reduces blood pressure for people living with high blood pressure. It also contains antioxidants that will maintain the body cells.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is delicious and healthy, especially when it’s fresh. It would be best if you started eating ginger because; one of the main components is gingerol, which has medical properties. It helps with digestion and also fights cold and flu. Ginger improves brain function and lowers blood pressure. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis eating, ginger will help you.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is a boost in immunity food; it prevents most chronic diseases. Most people use green tea to lose weight, and it works because it reduces body fat, especially abdominal fat. The catechin compound reduces the risk of dementia because it keeps the brain from ageing. Aside from boosting the immune system, it reduces bad breath.

  1. Kiwi

It has lots of vitamin C, which is the best nutrient for improving the immune system. The fruit will help you with asthma as well. Eating it will have positive impacts on the lung. It is linked with reducing colon cancer by reducing oxidative stress. It has many health benefits, including protecting you from vision loss.

  1. Liquorice

Liquorice is used to treat viral and bacterial infections, coughs, heartburns and acid reflux. The benefits that it offers are many compared to other foods. It has most of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps with ulcers and prevents cavities when it’s consumed regularly. When you want to lower your BMI and boost your immunity, liquorice should be in your diet.

  1. Papaya

Papaya is the anti-ageing fruit; it improves body immunity because of the vitamin C. It will keep you from ageing because it keeps the skin glowing. The fruit is best for kidney health; it has potassium, which is excellent for your kidneys. Eating papaya will reduce uric acid in your blood. It aids in good eyesight and weight loss.

  1. Poultry

Poultry, like chicken, has low calories and rich in proteins. It strengthens the bones and builds muscles because of the dietary protein. Because of the low calories, it’s best when you want to lose weight. Reducing excess fat will also lower the chances of heart diseases. Poultry has minerals that are good for brain function, like choline and vitamin B12.

  1. Red Bell Peppers

They are excellent because they contain a lot of vitamins, which is excellent for boosting immunity. They also contain potassium, folate, iron and fibre. Regular consumption of red bell pepper will keep you from getting sick. It helps in fighting diseases and keeping you healthy. They have low calories; it can help you keep healthy body weight.

  1. Shellfish

Shellfish has an immune-boosting zinc component. Zinc helps in developing cells in the body and protecting inflammation damages. It also contains healthy fats that are great for reducing excess weight. They have omega 3 and vitamin B12, which is good for the brain. Since it reduces excess fats in the body, it also keeps the heart-healthy.

  1. Spinach

There are no vegetables that are richer in vitamin K than spinach. It has a lot of vitamins, including C, which boosts immunity. Spinach will keep your bones healthy and provide you with the necessary iron. The iron will help in blood circulation, DNA synthesis and keep you energized. It’s also recommended for improving blood quality.

  1. Sunflower Seeds

For a healthy nervous system, sunflower has the necessary vitamins. They are loaded with potassium, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. These components will keep you in good health by helping with diabetes, heart diseases and inflammation. They strengthen body immunity when eaten often.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a great immune booster; it has positive health effects. It reduces the symptoms of arthritis because of the anti-inflammatory components that it has. It is best for people with immune disorders because it moderates the immune system. The most present component in turmeric is curcumin, which prevents heart diseases. Learn more about the benefits of turmeric here

  1. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is full of nutrients that are good for immunity. It contains probiotics that, when consumed regularly, elevates the immune system and keeps the body healthy. It’s great for keeping the bones strong and healthy because of the rich vitamins. Probiotics are also useful for digestive health.  Contrary to what people think, yoghurt promotes weight loss.

  1. Mushrooms

If you want to boost your immunity, you should eat a lot of mushrooms. They contain all B complex vitamins and selenium, which improves the immune system. The antioxidant in the mushroom helps in eliminating toxic by-products in the body. It also contains the dietary fibre that helps in managing type 2 diabetes. It’s also great during pregnancy because the folic acid will help build the baby’s immune system.


To build a strong immune system, add these immunity-boosting foods to your daily diet. They will help you develop a strong immunity that will help you fight diseases. You shouldn’t wait until you catch a cold or become ill before you start eating any of these. make them part of your daily routine so that the immunity develops with time. They will also help keep you in great shape; you will lose excess weight and live healthily. Without a strong immunity, you might fall ill often because your body cannot fight any diseases. Supplements might not have the same effects, so it’s better to eat fresh foods.

To learn more about how you can kickstart your health, fitness & weight loss at a residential Boot camp, visit our home page here.

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